The Winona Middle School Band Program applied for the $5000 “Dare to Dream” grant to fund a commissioned composition by a wind ensemble band composer and arranger. The band program will commission Mr. Bradley Bombardier, from the University of Minnesota-Duluth, to work alongside the band to compose a piece of music written specifically for the Winona Middle School band. The WMS band will premier this piece during their spring concert in May of 2018.
The beginning of the commissioning process will consist of collaborating with the current band students to have them involved in the inspiration and writing process. Student input will be encouraged in all facets of the work’s creation. The final part of the commissioning process will include having Mr. Bombardier to Winona to rehearse with the group and conduct the piece at its premier in the spring of 2018.
The two goals of this project are to begin a relationship with a living composer and to provide students with an opportunity to engage in the composition process of wind band music and create relationships with other composers. This grant will also allow students to experience a part of the music process that they have never been previously exposed to. By being involved in the inspiration part of a composition, the students will have a greater sense of ownership in their musicianship that will help develop and foster their want to be lifelong musicians.
Andrew Marsolek hoped by opening this door of creativity, we can continue to provide students with a comprehensive musical education that fosters lifelong musicianship.

Congratulations Andrew, for “Daring to Dream”!